Wednesday, February 16, 2005

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exhaling siddhartha

as i came to the end of the book- i ´ve realized there is no such thing as a holy man or a holy spirit. down where we are - in this planet upon which we call earth- there is no such thing as holy or perfection.
in sid´s point of view - for a man to undesrtand the pleasures the misfurtunes one most experience it- thus in experiencing, one will find oneself.
is it not true? how we sometimes desobey our parents regardeless of their commendations? how we have that curiosity to do the forbidden or maybe u want to see what the fuss is all about?!
sid went into earths greatest pleasures: drinks , sex, wealth. In the beginning of this adventure he had patience , he could listen, he was kind , he could wait and fast. everyone that he worked for as a merchant would rather him over his "teacher"- who lost his patience very easily. however sid saw that in the end he himself had lost his ability to listen and to mantain traquility and as to be calm he would drink wine and enter lifes " ´pleasures" . Now all he had was nausea , and sickness out of being grossed out at the person he had become and at the life he was tasted sour. he left the twon.he came across the ferrymen who took him across the river into the nausea town- there he learned to listen to river he learned to wait , fast and have patience all over again there the river had spoken to him teaching him new things- sometimes it laughed at him for the stupidity he was gonna do or had done and other times gave advice- the river (for me ) could easily be seen as the conscience. if for a time we stop to listen to our thoughts without paying attention to what its saying we hear it say as if sounding from outside .. or something of the sort.
to hermen hesse the holy man exixted in each one of us- and we have to experience everything to be in contact with sociaty and its weakness and joyfullness in order to discover the greater peace.the holy man beholded in him the virtues of a child- simplicity - pureness of heart. even though in the book sids child was not at all pure- when u imagine a child u picture an innocent.
the book may be saying something else and i only understood what i wanted to.
sid became a holy man through the eyes of the beholder- to urself ur never holy ur just better. in constant change and aperfeicoamento. it is also stated that there is no such thing as the words samsara or nirvanna but yet the state of life which is not a half second or a moment but a part of ur life ur new life when u finally have come to a conclusion where something have answeres and others are just lying there. simple pleasures- not sex, not alcohol- but yet the nature beuty, the admiration for such amazing things...yes we should worship the nature around us ans try to learn from them - fromt he animals the plants. they are so submiss, they have instinct. and with that we can see their purity. talk to a dometic plant nicely and the plant lives even blooms , tell a plant to die or treat them with harsh words u will see them die. another exemple is the submission of animals. tell a domesticated dog to leave u alone kick him and tell him to leave- the next minute or mornign he will be there by ur side with the paper in his mouth asing for caress. and thats sort of how we should be: humble , obedient to mans law but above all loving with unconditional love. that was sids most dificult aproach that was the thing he feared and wanted most: to learn how to love. although i did not quite undesrtand all of the last chapteri got this from it and if i could tell anyone anything about this book i´d say read its worth while - u´l get a different perspective of the world surrounding u.and maybe even to my fellow visitors so long and enjoy the rest of ur time - spending it wisely- no hatred no party over the limit - just the right amount to enjoy life at its pure, simplest ,naive, form.

Friday, February 04, 2005


cara para p pensar jah eh carnaval de novo - o bush foi reeleito- jah passou quatro anos a guerra vai fazer 3 anos(acho)-a 4 anos atraz clinton foi acusado de sexual abuse- lula finalmente entrou no poder- e jah esta ha tanto tempo que nos cidadoes jah estamos reclamando que ele ainda nao fez nada
putz eu pareco uma velha realizing que pelos ultimos 4 anos i have accomplished nothing and done nothing with my life.
eh como se a vida present fosse remota- realmente so estou vivendo o momento- e ai quando olhamos p tarz vemos que realmente carca! sai de sp de uma puta depressao p entrar no lugar feliz chamado happy land rj- meu pai jah mudou de casa 3 vezes- pessoas jah morreram- o niver da minha prima tah chegando de novo e soon enough eu vou ter 18- soon enouhg vestibular - carro -casa ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
help i need somebody help - not just anybody help-
actually eu nao preciso de algue, e sim de alguma coisa
antes eu achava q a vida se mexia mt devagar truth is ela se mexe na medida certa p cada pessoa- como eu nao achava que a vida andava tao devagar assim resolvi correr com o tempo e agora preciso parar olhar---- faz 2 anos q eu estou tentando formar uma banda- faz 2 anos que eu quero tocar com dois amigos meus- faz 1 ano e meio que eu gosto de alguem platonicamente- puta que paril.....
acho que vou explodir
i can feel meu peito pesando, meu rosto caindo, minha pele enrugando- auggh!!!
envelhecer eh uma coisa mt triste e eu nao quero viver soh p ver eu me transformando numa pessoa velhina- tenho pavor- sim futilidade
mas pq a gravidade nao poderia ser mais legal com a gente deixando a gente sem tantas deformacoes assim- que nem em nemesis vamos morar em cidades satelites hehe nao seria tao bom assim-acho que prefiro envelhecer- mas por outro lado ate q nao seria tao mau assim.
tantos goals unachieved - mas tudo bem enquanto avida pode me carregar vou me deixar levar.
"do u have the time
to listen to me whine
about nothing and everything all at once?
i´m am one of those melodramatic fools
neurotic to the bones - no doubt about it

sometimes i give myself the creeps
sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
it all keeps adding up i think i´m cracking up
am i just paranoid or am i stoned?

i went to a srhink to analyse my dreams
she says its lack of sex thats bringing me down
i went to a whore he said my lifes a bore
and quit my winning cause its bringin him down

grasping to control
so u better hold on."
i´m a walking contradiction and i aint got no rights

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


gaze into this and imagine wonderes

give me something to write about, inspire me, stir some hope, make me mad, i dont know, do something, i think im cracking - by guilhermita

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

breathing sidhartha 2

later in the book pg89 when he has abandoned a friend and enjoyed the pleasure of money and comfortness he comes to a thought that i somethimes , well most of the times agree with.
herman hesse says: sidhartha found himself with the expressions which are so often found among rich ppl - expressions of discontent, sickillness, displeasure,idleness,loveleness.
i agreethat we get wrapped too much on ourselfs and forget the valuables things in life like helping when someone is in need- or keeping pacience over a descussion or even just to wait- these such things of whch sidhartha had forgotten.
however he was envious of one thing- no matterthe trobles they( avarege ppl)had- they always had love and that he envyed." the sense of importance with which they lived their lives, the deaph of their pleasures and sorrows, the anxious but sweet happiness of their cont. power to love." he was a samana with no power to love no one onthing even not himself- but sometimes i believe pride and ego maybe our subconcious way of showing ourselvs that we actually love ourselvs." these ppl were always in love with themselvs , their children, their honor , their money , with plans or hope"(pg77)
pehaps the only part we should loossen up is yhe part about honor and money- as into not having any strings attached to material things that care nothing. but off courese we r not gonna go xpanding our money like crazy or act as if we had no class(whore).
i just thought that being one of these nomads were all about rejoicing nature and being able to understand and care for her, thus loving her next cretures : humans.
ps: not fineshed

breathing sidhartha

why should the self be a torment? if we r the self of us- why should it be our torments? we own it... only if we werent pround of what we have becomed- but no- at page 17 of the book sidhartha he was still pleased i supposed with what he had done with his life- later he realized he had actually taken a wrong turn and became nothing to him herman hesse interpreting sidhartjas thought: what is fasting , holding breath, meditation? it is a flight from the self, it is a temporary escape from the torment of the self.
with the flight from the self i must agree.. but why would a samana so bound with nature and life at the simplest form have against the self.?
i havent read the whole book yet - but i will make assumptions: teh reason why - is because them samanas have to much pride in themselvs , they believe they r better than everyone else just because they have runned away from the stupidity of lifes pleasure that they can endure pain. they r a bunch of snobs that have no job nor house thus bugging everyone in town for some extra food- or money to bye food- they only need of fasting is because they depend on other ppl to eat and since there isint many nice folks around they wait in pacient like mad mans. they r not only not helping anyone but them selvs = egocentric- they r also taking away from the actuall needy, and tormenting those tha don´t need.