Wednesday, February 27, 2008

no design da palestra em pixelshow..ainda nao tem dia nem local certo no design emocao e design

o misterio jas abaixo

"Achievement through discipline is one of your keynotes in this lifetime. To fulfill your soul purpose you will need much patience, tenacity, endurance, and most likely a long period of apprenticeship or labor. You are equipped by nature to withstand the periods of self-denial, austerity, grueling study, repetitive practice, or "doing without" that your path in life requires. Serious about your aims and, above all, a realist, you are willing to pay your dues in order to get where you want to go, and whether your goal is spiritual attainment, development of a talent, or material success, you want to go to the top. Some degree of rigorous training or hardship (inner or outer) is apt to be a prerequisite to your eventual achievement, k c, and unlike apparently "luckier" souls, you have to work hard and pull your own weight early in life. Often, too, you have to wait, to delay gratification, and plan your strategies very carefully and shrewdly in order to gain your desired ends. Through this, you develop a certain toughness and firmness, emotional detachment, inner resourcefulness and self-determination, which keeps you going when the road gets a little rocky on the way to the pinnacle you are aiming for. One pitfall you need to beware of is your tendency to become hardened and cynical, secretly envious of those whose way is less orduous or whose outlook and attitude is more trusting and carefree (irresponsible and immature, to your way of thinking). You seem to be given more "tests", frustration, responsibilities, restrictions than others, and as a result, tend to view the world as an unfriendly place or life as a struggle. It is important for you not to become bitter because of this, or to try to take shortcuts, as these will almost certainly come back to haunt you later. The first half of your life, in particular, may seem heavy or hard, while the fruits of your steady efforts come to you later. The essence of this lifetime is that you must prove yourself, k c, and this you know at a deep level, and feel as a sort of inner pressure. (it can be next to impossible to get you to relax and enjoy yourself, to waste time or money or anything frivolous, or to gamble on anything you are not certain will yield real, tangible benefits). Because of your very strong (even if undefined) sense of purpose. Even your recreation is apt to be done in a calculated manner. You weigh the potential risks involved, and usually on the side of safety, for you have a very strong head to know where you are going and to be in control. Thus, the true experience of play tends to elude you, since it requires letting go of control, a certain indifference to results in preference for a free flowing openness to the moment. You do have a rather dry, ironic sense of humor, and it is important for you to keep that side of you alive as it gives you balance and a healthy perspective on things."

sera sera? the 1st paragraph has me all over... i suppsoe, and actually there is a reavealing new information there for me. its not that i didint know, its just that it wasnt actually proven im me....

just a blarb of thoughts

Friday, February 22, 2008

"Você deve manter sua mente aberta, mas não tão aberta que o cêrebro caia."
-Carl Sagan

Thursday, February 21, 2008

D:\Arquivos Vera\portfolio\alunos\Denise\Design & Emotion society 2.htm

design emocao pesquisar sobre onde encontrar artigos sobre emotion...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

again and again 4 u
this is 4 u as well! eu acho um dos comics mais engraçados de todos os tmpos, apesar de ser feito em flash creio eu, o unico porem eh q eh em ingles acelerado, se vc entender tudo, entao honey ill be abl to talk to u in english for as long as i want to.

just 4 u!

mozim esse é o site que lhe falei dos qudrinhos, ilustrações e afins!

checa esse tb, tem um que de karyn numa escultura plastica la, e um que de tales, por gostos em desenhos idiotas!

me diga o q achou.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

dia 13

o tempo passa e me sinto sem rumo
o tempo passa e estou sem prumo
o tempo passa e poucas chances eu tenho
de voltar a trás
o tempo passa e a duvida nao se abriga
em outro corpo que nao o meu
o tempo passa e eu nada sei de mim
o tempo passa e a vida parecer nao ter fim
o tempo passa e o complicado
embola mais e mais
o tempo passa e o complicado vira
delicado ate nao poder mais
o tempo passa e nada muda
o tempo passa e nada mudou

Monday, February 18, 2008

earth wind and fire

o show foi mt foda..os caras sao mt mais musicos do que mt gente..puta o vocalista principal da um show de notas atinge o mais grave ao mais agudo, meio ate cantor lirico opera..a percusao era composta de 4 pessoas pra vc ter foda, atabaques, bangos e um zilhao de caixas de diferentes tamnhos, cow bells tao pequenos q eu nunca tinha visto, de mtal, plastico e madeira... porra...puta foda.. a batera tinha dois surdos curtos com 3 tons devia ser 8-10-14 ou algo assim tb serie curta, e as ferragens?? caralho parecia encomendada..feita especialmente pra eles, nunca vi ferragem grossa curva e brilhante dakele jeito, tudo da gibraltar... sem contar o pianista ne..porra o cara tinha 4 pianos dava solo o tempo todo, e os instrumentos de sopro? caralho delirei! trumpet, saxofone e um outro q nao sei o nome..ate pq nao ligo mt pra esse tipo de instrumento mas porra mt foda... o baixista como todo bom baixista com cara de maluco hehee, fazia a musica com seus solos. 2 guitarra, 4 backvocal...puta producao, falaram ate em portugues, mexeram com a plateia o tempo todo, promoveram um cantor brasuka cujo nome me foge a cabeca pq... nao gostei mt dele..hehe perdeu!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008