Sunday, March 13, 2005

just a mingle of unorganized thoughts

fucking bastard.... wise words that will never come to extintion in this stupid world we live in...
not even when our body dies will these words die out... some of us will continue to pronouce this word even after death...
fact is we never die- we just shift plans - well thats my theory- a theory that has been proved and disproved that is based on seeing and believing.
its just annoying to realize that u will never really die- there will be no end-just continuation- an endeless chain of helping or destructing the life ...... anyhow if u wanna understand the shit i´m saying just read the book called: "morri e agora?"
some ppl might not believe it, others might-i found it scary to realize i will have to think ,do many things when i die.... it will be sort of like a dream i had: in which i was killed by the gillotine and i felt pain endlessly and i still had thought i had no longer an active brain , but i had thoughts, i could racionalize i could think what now??? and i just left my body and kept walking.. thats what will happen... its weird to think that u r forever immortal no matter if u live or die - its like milan kundera that said we are immortalized not by us but by our words sometimes by our presence ... we r mortalized and immortalized by presence.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Raciocínio Lógico

Um garoto chegou em casa e disse pro pai: - A professora mandou fazer uma frase sobre economia eeu não sei nada disso;
- Não se preocupe meu filho, vou te explicar de uma maneira bem simples,
olhe: - Eu, que trago o dinheiro p/ dentro de casa, sou o capitalismo;
- Sua mãe, que administra tudo, é o governo;
- Nossa empregada, que faz o trabalho pesado, é a classe operária;
- Seu irmãozinho, o bebê, é o futuro da nação; - Você é o povo;
Então, o garoto inteligentemente foi dormir pensando em tudo aquilo.
Quando era mais ou menos umas três da madrugada, o irmãozinho começou a chorar. O garoto então acordou e viu que o bebê estava todo sujo de cocô.
O menino foi ao quarto dos pais e lá estava a mãe dormindo.
Apesar de chamá-la com insistência, a mãe não acordava, pois dormia profundamente. Então foi ele procurar o pai pela casa e viu que ele estava no quarto da empregada, "afogando o ganso".
No outro dia tirou nota máxima em seu trabalho com esta frase:

spiritual notes to myself- Hugh Prather pg 117

Ur spiritual efforts give u no privileges in the world, and yet u seem locked in the world; and all ur pleasures and pains, and all the experiences that are important to u, r in the world.
What difference does it make if there is another world, another reality? Y not just deal w/ what seems real and forget awakening?
Because that is how u have always answered this question.
U have played out this tradegy a thousand times before.
Yet God does wait for u. And those who r awakened await as well ur joyous homecoming.
Death insn´t the door to this celebration. The efforts u make in the present usher u in.
If u will but try a little longer, u will see each attachment to the world, and release them gadly. Once u r no longer conflicted, the sustaining arms of love will lift u up to light and joy.
And this little dream of disaster will fade from ur mind, and all who were there will be w/ u now.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

letras de musica

Quase Sem Querer- legiao urbana

Tenho andado distraído,
Impaciente e indeciso
E ainda estou confuso.
Só que agora é diferente:
Estou tão tranquilo E tão contente.
Quantas chances desperdicei
Quando o que eu mais queria
Era provar pra todo o mundo
Que eu não precisava Provar nada p'ra ninguém.
Me fiz em mil pedaços P'ra você juntar
E queria sempre achar Explicação p'ro que eu sentia.
Como um anjo caído
Fiz questão de esquecer
Que mentir p'ra si mesmo É sempre a pior mentira.
Mas não sou mais Tão criança a ponto de saber tudo.
Já não me preocupo Se eu não sei porquê
Às vezes o que eu vejo Quase ninguém vê
E eu sei que você sabe Quase sem querer
Que eu vejo o mesmo que você.
Tão correto e tão bonito
O infinito é realmente Um dos deuses mais lindos.
Sei que às vezes usoPalavras repetidas Mas quais são as palavras Que nunca são ditas?
Me disseram que você estava chorando
E foi então que percebi Como lhe quero tanto.
Já não me preocupo Se eu não sei porquê
Às vezes o que eu vejoQuase ninguém vê
E eu sei que você sabe Quase sem querer Que eu quero o mesmo que você.
"Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking"
- Black Elk -holy man of the Oglala Lakota Sioux

yes i agree w u

sometimes i also donot like the outsiders that have come to spy my actions inside this lost-green-floating-maybe-orange world. i dislike to see that i am not writting to myself or at least to one person- whereas to various
sad to see and annoying to see that only confidentiality of this blog is now gone and put into the hands of the viewrs- i was not yet prepared to recieve comments from anyone rather than mr.creator of the "mund del guillhrm"- or something like this.
and yes i wish i had kept my mouth shut- when in some discussion or when in some poit of surious voices indagining me to the truth.
it is extremly amazing how one can rip the truth out of the other by just asking or simply by just being annouying and insisting.
the huma being is composed of a variaty of power- but they - (this includes my self) - are not able to use it properly or even to distribute it properly.
i suppose we are a very hostile specie and that any outsiders- as much as we would like to see or have one- are to be threatned when enteriong " our world".
why arent the roaches considered aliens? it is the only specie able to survive an atomic bomb atack , it is usually more resistent than other insects and it can have many variationa depending on size. it is in fact an outsider- that is not well seen by us and thus exterminated-
this is how i feel towards my blog sometimes- everyone else is a roach and i hostile human want to exterminate
don´t take this personlly i stil want everyone to comment- b/c then maybe it might give me the pleasure to know that i am not writting to the walls, but yet to stupid homosapiens like myself.

sweet dreams are made of dreams- who am i to desagree

as i lay down in bed
so it goes again
dreams that come and go
some dreams matter none
some other catch my attention
i thought i was over this
i thought i would no longer dream this

dreams are what u want deep inside ur subconcsient.
i thought i had buried my burden
the burdern that eats me alive- with the eternal possibilities of yes or no.
however when i dream i notice that perhaps there is a possibility ,
b/c everything is as if fairy tales
and wheni wake up- i have just fooled myself.

u wake up to the real world
and all the magic, fantasy- is gone
at least u r happy for a cupple of hours(in ur sleep)
however the main issue here is not wether i have dreamt or not, weather it was good or not, it matters what i had dreamnt about.
u know those good dreams that come and go- and u wished they had happened in life?

when these dreamas in ur slumber sleep don´t happen in life-
they r like a nightmare that hunts u down- b/c u so badly want it to happen.
either ur being reminded about the forgotten,
either u r forced to take a position in life,
or either to just challenge u to see how much of this fantasy adrenaline can u take.

maybe dreams are all the truth that lies within us.
i nonetheless whish this last wonderfull dream was not a truth in me
b/c this - what i have within-it´s something out of reality-
something i know it wont happen
something that depends on both x and y variables-
and at this moment of life i only have one of the variables.

it is the possibility of the impossible(improbable)
dream of the unreachable
its all make belief
its all lies
its all too hard to accept-
that when u wake up-
the scene has vanished and u cannot repeat it while awake.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Os ventos que as vezes tiram algo que amamos;
São os mesmo que nos trazem algo que
aprendemos a amar;
Por isso não devemos chorar pelo que nos foi tirado;
E sim aprender a amar o que nos foi dado;
Pois tudo aquilo que é realmente nosso;
Nunca se vai para sempre.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

siddhartha´quote pg 66

"one cannot have pleasure without giving it, and that every glance, every caress, every touch,every glance, every single part o fthe body has its secret which can give pleasure to one who can undesrtand"

siddhartha - the son

"he sought death..this childish wish"

this thought has a great deal of profuondity- what u do not realize is that this childish wis is the same as being weak- while we, terrestrials, believe that who kills himself is stronger siddhartha believes that its nothing but pure childish like featyre pure "mimaçao" , uma crianca mimada que desite p ao mesmo tempo chamar atencao.
note that those who wuit never go anywhere and are considered to be the weak ones
i have to remind my self that- because most of the time we like to choose the easy way down which is : quiting. the hardest thing is to go on..
in the book i´m reading " morri e agora?!" this guy that killed himself was blamed by the family to have laid upon them all his burdens they made various complaint to him because he died and did not take care of his bussiness leaving it to the family and did not care about them - because he had left evryhting on their hands-dificult situations.
i will not go in deaph in this subject because 1- i´m almost sleeping
2- thats just about it anyways ....

siddhartha quote pg 7


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

just happy

the computer cartoon expresses how a computer should act- cuz i´m sick and tired of computers not corresponding to my comands as a freind of mine says " pane no sistema...(alguem me desconfigurou)"...
and the other cartoon is a view of my beautifull orange world that is happy and floating - cuz- beach makes us feel in motion and hyper therefore a good mood is dropped on our door. and hapinness is able to come in.
so enjoy because i need to spread the disease that i´m carrying ; and that is : joy!!!!!!!!