Friday, May 20, 2005

funny shit

Thursday, May 19, 2005

a cry for help

it is a simple task: to live life!!!
i know precisely everything there is to know about life or death... i don´t fear neither- its the in between things i am not to found of....]
like for instance in life: the more i get to know about marriege the less i wanna bve married the more i get to know about workning , the less i wanna start a job....
the more i get to know about the after life the less wanna go there, the more i get to see what has to be done to my life to improve my self , the less options i have.
i stand in a position where i have all the cards laying in front of me- but no way to reach it... no way to grasp it and find a solution.
at the present moment my life goes well , while my parents and whole family drifts into misery- i mean misery; as in low income payment ,misery of lack of money, and lack of luck.ITs all spilled in a puddle - crambled up together and no way to find the beggining or the ending , its one problem after the other , or even before.....
how do i get a person to realize the good things in life when everything turns out like crap? .... life is settled and i have no means , and no power to do anything at will.... its weiderly how one problem pulls into the other and as if a areia movedica u get urself deeper and deeper....
there is no alternitive everywhere to look there are walls, that enable you to find a solution....

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

stupid -unecessary post

jsut a post to comment..... OH MY GOSH!!!!!!( janice like-from friends) hehehuhuehueh i think that for the ist time ever o popo comment no meu blog.... i think that a revolution might be happening somewhere... rain is pouring down really heavy in alaska... hehehehe..... just good to see that i have more than 1 follower....
i am honored by your presence hehehehe

Thursday, May 12, 2005

just something

as sugested by a friend the visual of this blog has been sucessfully changed...yiieee.... funny it makes a more clear view to the eye... its more pleasing. It does not however give me back my powers to writte... it does not inspire me to that point of self analyses of complaint, but perhaps ...well i am writting now- so thats a good start ; nothing of great profoundity. just mingled words, just simply laid out , ordinary meaningfulll words. Nothing interesting or bright, for that matter. I am here to revolutionize the spirit of this blog- because it had been dead... maybe i will accomplhish essa nova facanha, or maybe i will fail.... i am aiming at no goals... just aiming somewhere.... a galaxy far far away...........................................

cool cartoon : notes

Sunday, May 08, 2005


u may notice there´ve been no more refletions in this blog . Time , patience, will; is what i lack , therefore i may not go on. I am not shuting down this blog- for urges might come where i will find myself writting, but as for now- the writting factory that makes me think ,has been shut down for a period of time. Enjoy time without me. Trust me you won´t be missing much.

fuck this bs post

nao estou num estado de mente mt bom... status : annoyed
sintindo algo como revolta- ou comformismo num jeito meio down... algo que provocado querendo ou nao pelos meus pais - pela minha mae- mesmo hj sendo seu grande dia - que ugrrrrrrr.... nao sei estou over reacting - mas eh asim a vida ela brinca comigo e me enche o saco- melhor qnd esta dormindo... no i don´t mean that- she is the best mom i can have- the point is - she allows me to do anything and she forces herself to do stuff i ask her to, but then i gotta listen to 2 days of complaining that "U TOOK ME OUT OF MY BED" U DIDIN´T LET ME SLEEP" " I DO EVERTHING FOR U' its like she blames me for everything thgat i have asked her to do , but she does it at her own will , i dont force her... she thinks its fair that i go out once in a while.. but just fuck it