Tuesday, February 01, 2005

breathing sidhartha 2

later in the book pg89 when he has abandoned a friend and enjoyed the pleasure of money and comfortness he comes to a thought that i somethimes , well most of the times agree with.
herman hesse says: sidhartha found himself with the expressions which are so often found among rich ppl - expressions of discontent, sickillness, displeasure,idleness,loveleness.
i agreethat we get wrapped too much on ourselfs and forget the valuables things in life like helping when someone is in need- or keeping pacience over a descussion or even just to wait- these such things of whch sidhartha had forgotten.
however he was envious of one thing- no matterthe trobles they( avarege ppl)had- they always had love and that he envyed." the sense of importance with which they lived their lives, the deaph of their pleasures and sorrows, the anxious but sweet happiness of their cont. power to love." he was a samana with no power to love no one onthing even not himself- but sometimes i believe pride and ego maybe our subconcious way of showing ourselvs that we actually love ourselvs." these ppl were always in love with themselvs , their children, their honor , their money , with plans or hope"(pg77)
pehaps the only part we should loossen up is yhe part about honor and money- as into not having any strings attached to material things that care nothing. but off courese we r not gonna go xpanding our money like crazy or act as if we had no class(whore).
i just thought that being one of these nomads were all about rejoicing nature and being able to understand and care for her, thus loving her next cretures : humans.
ps: not fineshed

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